Anointing of Alito

Those crazy ministers with their wild hijinx. Sneaking into conference rooms and blessing seats. 13 of 'em I believe. I remember hearing of another gathering involving 13 seats. Things didn't turn out to well for one of them. Certainly couldn't compare Alito to that guy.

I guess the thing I found oddest about this article is that the hearing rooms were not locked. Because these rooms are “not of interest to anyone”, according to Capitol Hill police. Tell that to the 50 cameramen, numerous photographers, members of left and right lobbying groups, and a bunch of RNC-approved bloggers.

[ Now where was I? I just commented on this event over at Crooks and Liars. I'm probably somewhere around comment # 41, but who's counting. ]
[ You know I really like typing in these brackets, so I'll save you the trouble of scrolling through the comments there, because there's never much scrolling here at thisblogismyblog. And that's what makes it special. Really I'm including it because I think I'm so fucking clever sometimes, even when I'm not, although I'm starting to sense my self-deprecation is beginning to wear thin. I mean if you self-deprecate to much who's really going to buy it. It's the same reason why Nine Inch Nails doesn't sell as many CDs today. We've heard Trent Reznor and his misery and self-loathing for some time, yet he's still alive in 2006. Legitimacy's the issue here, in addition to streaying off-topic. ]

Oh, and before I forget, here's my comments over at Crooks and Liars. And yes, these are unsolicited comments from a D-list blogger that appear there only because I can type and submit with the best of them. But I am a commenter who has greater concerns than just “fristing” the rest of the pack.

I followed the links to each of the Mehlman-tested, RNC-approved bloggers. 2 of them had photos of Rove, but nothing substantial to go with it. But keep sifting and you find that Rove wanted to keep their discussions in private. Not like attorney-client privilege type private, more like Cheney energy mettings private.
So much for freedom of speech. I'm certain none of the discussions with Rove and the Blogosphere's DC 10, contained any threats to national security. Probably more like, “hey guys forget about the Chicago style guide, and let's be clear about the White House content guide.”
Blogging points are the new talking points.

CORRECTION (I think): You know, as I read on I realize that the bloggers probably watched the coverage of the hearings from some conference room, as they posted away, but not actually at the hearings.

But to get back to the original point, don't you think that maybe there should be some security concerns for the room where the hearings of Supreme Court nominee will take place. Becase I do believe there is some interest in that room. And while three ministers walking into Capitol Hill at worst could be the opening of a bad joke, maybe some sort of “evil ones” (sounds like a Bush quote anyway) seeking to plant some not so stupid bombs, you know, might be an idea that was thrown around.

I don't lose sleep over that security stuff, but damn if it just didn't sound plain dumb.

And that concludes another exercise in labyrinthine, non-reader-friendly blogging.

Maybe next time I'll finally get to 2005 music post I've been threatening to do. (On paper, I don't think the threats have appeared in the form of a post.)

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